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'Girls in Engineering Making Statements' is a student-run group which aims to support and encourage women studying engineering at QUT.

Our objective is to empower, develop and connect women in engineering.  


We do this through a range of professional, educational, mentoring, and social events and activities. We also support specific charity initiatives that aim to provide better opportunities for women in developing nations. 


GEMS value diversity and we welcome all members 


of the university community to connect with our group.


As a team, we have developed several initiatives and programs to ensure that women in engineering at QUT get the most out of their degree. Our mentoring program, for example, aims to provide support relating to career pathways and development, as well as personal and academic support. On the other hand, our industry program encourages member’s to develop skills to provide an easy transition into the workforce this is achieved through running soft skill workshops as well as providing members with networking events.  We also provide a Women in Engineering scholarship program connecting recipients together and providing a supportive and encouraging network. 


In addition to these specifically designed programs, GEMS acknowledges that we have a corporate social responsibility amongst our community. We support various charities, through organising numerous events throughout the year such as blood drives, birthing kits assembly and partaking in Do it in a Dress.


GEMS is also open to any males who are supportive of women thriving within the engineering industry and we do offer the same support to our male members and actively encourage their involvement in GEMS. As such, at our scheduled events, we often have a significant number of male attendees.


Currently, GEMS has in excess of 250 registered members and many more signed up to our Facebook page and registered for updates. This is one way we promote and enlighten our member’s of graduate and vacation opportunities that arise.  As we are required to recruit from scratch each year, we expect this number to rise dramatically in the coming weeks.


Considering the low numbers of females enrolled at QUT in engineering, we are proud to have attracted such a large membership. Regardless of numbers registered for GEMS updates, we contact and update all women enrolled at QUT through QUT’s mailing system in relation to upcoming events and support available for them.

GEMS value diversity, and we welcome all members of the university community to connect with our group

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